Outside 5:30 am
2.16 miles - 24 minutes
I woke up at 5:00 am and prepped for my run by first
pumping my boobs. Running with milk engorged breasts would not be comfortable. I only pumped for 10 minutes, just enough to make everything more comfortable and to have some milk available for Jim to feed Ella in case she woke up while I was out running.
While I was pumping I drank a cup of coffee and ate a piece of toast with sugar free jelly.
I headed outside for my run while it was still dark outside.
I want to start running early in the mornings for two reasons: To get it done before it's over 100+ degrees outside and to complete my run before Ella wakes up.
It was a little difficult to get my legs woken up, but, as they say, the hardest part of a run is often putting on your running shoes and the first steps out the door.
The beginning of my run was super slow, averaging around 11:20 per mile. The last 1/2 mile, I cranked it up and ran under 9:00 minute per mile pace. I need to get my legs use to a quicker turn over.
I finished my run super sweaty but feeling great!
Tara-iffic Randomness
We headed out to Kearney, NE on Saturday morning. We live in a very small town, so we head out of town about once a month to do our large grocery shopping trip. It takes us over an hour to reach a Wal-Mart.
I didn't think we needed that many groceries, but we ended up spending over $400 on groceries and Ethan's school supply list for Kindergarten. How did that happen? We usually hit around $250 during our Wal-Mart monthly hauls and this time we went well beyond that. I can't even blame it on diapers or any new baby expenses. (We supplement with weekly grocery shopping at our local store for fresh produce, weekly ad specials and essentials that we run out of.)
I think part of the problem was that Ella started crying almost immediately. I was stressed from her crying and not doing my best at comparing prices and thinking through purchases. I was throwing things into the cart left and right and just trying to hurry. (even with hurrying, we were still there for almost 2 hours...ugh!)
Looks like I need to work a lot harder at planning, budgeting, and sticking to my grocery list. At least the freezer and cupboards are full.
xo Tara